Welcome Student Veterans
Veterans Graduation Reception

What is the Veterans Graduation?
Veteran Graduation Reception recognizes the academic achievements and contributions of student veterans at Texas State.
This celebration does not replace the official Texas State commencement ceremony. It does add a special touch to the official ceremony by providing graduates with an opportunity to celebrate their success with family, friends, mentors and supporters.
What to expect and wear?
We encourage you to wear your Official Texas State Regalia (cap and gown) as there will be numerous opportunities for photographs. Graduates who attend the celebrations will receive a certificate and a sash. Programs will include a light reception, keynote speaker, entertainment, awards ceremony and presentation of cords. See registration pages for detailed information.
Unable to attend Veterans Graduation - Pick Up Cords
If you are unable to attend the Veterans Graduation and/or would like to pick up a cord prior to commencement (i.e. graduation photos), drop by the SDI Office.
Student Diversity and Inclusion
700 Student Center Drive
LBJ Student Center, Suite 5-2.1 (5th Floor)
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Email: osdi@txstate.edu
Student Veterans at Round Rock Campus – Pick Up Cords
You are welcomed to pick up your graduation cords at the Round Rock Campus.
Student Services Office, Avery 201
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Contact: Brittney Lowden, Supervisor at Round Rock Campus
Email: bryttney@txstate.edu
Phone: 512-245-2544