Your Hooding Ceremony Statement

Submitting your statement confirms your participation in the ceremony. Submissions should be written in 3rd person and include: honors and awards, scholarships, professional presentations or publications, title of your thesis, research, or major project (if applicable), graduate assistantships, future plans (i.e., pursue a Ph.D.) or upcoming job or employer post-graduation, etc. Please do not include personal information such as pets or personal interests/hobbies. Statements may be altered for brevity once received. Included here is a sample statement:

Mr. John M. Doe completed his undergraduate degree at The University of Texas at Austin. While at Texas State University, he was a graduate research assistant and presented his work at a national conference. He intends to pursue a Ph.D., and he would like to thank his Professional Paper Advisor, Dr. Debra Jones, for her willingness to devote time to his education. He would also like to thank his friends and family, especially his parents, for their love and support.

(as you would like it to be read)
Do you plan to stay for refreshments and appetizers after the ceremony? *